Friday, February 15, 2008

Five Weird Things about Me!

1. When washing dishes, I always put the silverware on the
bottom, plates next and glasses on top - leaving little room
to actually wash the dishes.

2. I constantly have my fingernails in my mouth - nasty habit.

3. I could live on hamburgers alone.

4. I hate to dust and love to make designs in my dusty furniture
before cleaning.

5. I love to be with my Aunts and Uncles to listen to all their
wonderful stories of the past - not very weird, but not very
common either.

There you go Sarah!


Sarah said...

WOOHOO! My long lost Grandma has posted.


PCox said...

Hi Terri,
For security reasons, I am going to be making my blog private in a couple days. Unfortunately, I don't have your email address to be able to send you an invitation through Blogger. Would you please email me so I have your address: Also, please send me the emails of anyone else you think I should send an invitation to. I hope all is well!! Thanks a ton!!